Metta Retreat (Oct. 30 – 31): 1 or 2 Days of Meditation with Ven. Nisabho
Registration is not yet open, as we’re still assessing the situation with regards to Covid-19. Please check back in September. Thank you!
Deepen your understanding and practice of the four faces of Buddhist Metta meditation: Loving-Kindness, Compassion, Rejoicing, and Equipoise
Anticipating an end to a catastrophic fire season in the Methow Valley and clear, smoke-free skies, join us for our first in-person retreat since the end of June. Led in-person by Venerable Nisabho, a monk gone forth in the Thai Forest tradition in 2013. This retreat will be held the final weekend of October in-person (and via livestream and Zoom) for two days of meditation and teachings. The retreat will take place both Saturday and Sunday, though participants are welcome to just come Saturday, as their schedules allow. Retreats feature meditation, Dharma talks, discussions, and group meals. Gatherings will be held at the Methow Valley Wellness Center at 105 Norfolk, Winthrop, WA (Map) and also via YouTube Livestream for those unable to travel. In the spirit of the Buddha’s teaching, retreats are offered free of charge and sustained only by the generosity of those who come and feel inspired to give. Space is limited. If you need a ride or can provide one to or from the retreat, feel free to enter your information in the Rideshare Board.
**Retreat participants need to be fully vaccinated in order to attend, and we will follow current CDC guidelines regarding masking**
Retreat Schedule
9 – 10 am: Introductory talk and meditation
10 – 11 am: Dhamma talk Venerable Nisabho and meditation (also livestreamed on YouTube)
11 am – 12 pm: Meal offering, silent potluck lunch, & clean-up
12 – 1 pm: Rest/ free time
1 – 1:45 pm: Dhamma talk Venerable Nisabho and Q&A (also livestreamed on YouTube)
2 – 3:30 pm: Walking and sitting meditation
3:45 – 4:30 pm: Dhamma discussion
4:30 – 5 pm: Closing comments, and spreading blessings (also livestreamed on YouTube)
5 – 6 pm: Informal tea time, chat, clean-up, and general hobnobbing with new friends!
8 – 9:15 am Sitting and walking meditation
9:30 – 10 am: Guided meditation
10 – 10:45 am Dhamma talk and Discussion Venerable Tsepal (Zoom )
11 am – 12 pm: Meal offering, silent potluck lunch, & clean-up
12 – 1 pm: Rest/ free time
1 – 1:45 pm: Discussion (Livestream with Venerable Nisabho)
2 – 3:00 pm: Walking and sitting meditation/ Interviews
3 – 3:30 pm: Closing comments and spreading blessings (also livestreamed on YouTube)
3:30 – 4:30 pm: Informal tea time, chat, clean-up, and general hobnobbing with new friends!
Note: All Sunday offerings are optional. Retreatants may attend for just Saturday
Participants should consider eating breakfast before arriving, as only a mid-day meal is scheduled. Cascade Hermitage retreats are offered freely, and the daily 11 am Potluck meal represents another communal act of generosity. The meal is composed just of what participants bring, and represents an opportunity for all present to support other practitioners through one of simplest and most wholesome of all gifts: food! In keeping with monastic tradition, food is generally first offered to the monastic Sangha, and then shared amongst all present. If you can, bring a dish or two. If not, know that your practice represents the greatest act of dana. Vegetarian and vegan options are helpful in accommodating all diets, but all food is appreciated. Some refrigerator space and a microwave are available on the premises.
What to Bring
A meditation cushion or chair (some spare cushions and chairs are also available at the venue).
Water bottle
Dish for the potluck meal
Your Intention to practice in community
If you need a ride or can provide one to or from the retreat, feel free to enter your information in the Rideshare Board.
Overnight Accommodations
Those coming from out-of-town for retreats and teachings may choose from several options for overnight accomodation. As retreats and teachings are held at the Methow Valley Wellness Center (https://methowvalleywellnesscenter.com/) at 105 Norfolk, Winthrop (Map – https://goo.gl/maps/kqzQKwVmYVkV6wPE9), lodgings near Winthrop or Twisp are most convenient. Weekend retreats begin Saturday morning at 9 am and attendees may find arriving on Friday allows them time to settle in and sample the other attractions of the Methow Valley.
A list of local hotels may be found through Methow Reservations (https://www.methowreservations.com/), directories of local peer-to-peer rentals through Airbnb (https://www.airbnb.com/), Evolve (https://evolve.com/), and VRBO (https://www.vrbo.com/), and more informal stays through Couchsurfing (https://www.couchsurfing.com/). Finally, for a list of nearby campsites, free or very inexpensive, see the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest Website (https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/okawen/recreation/camping-cabins/recarea/?recid=59073&actid=29). Beautiful, nearby campgrounds include Chewuch, Camp Four, Falls Creek, Buck Lake, Flat Campground, Nice Campground, Loup Loup, Early Winters Campground, and more.
For more information, please email cascadehermitage@gmail.com
Registration is not yet open, as we’re still assessing the situation with regards to Covid-19. Please check back in September. Thank you!
For news of upcoming retreats and teachings, subscribe to our YouTube channel, Facebook page, or Newsletter.
Tenzin Tsepal